Click here to download this edition of the Pineland Proud newsletter.
Pineland Proud (Fall 2024)
Pineland Proud (Fall 2024)
Click here to download this edition of the Pineland Proud newsletter.
Pineland Proud (Summer 2024)
We’re excited to bring you the latest updates from Pineland in our Summer Newsletter!
Remaining Real in an Artificially Growing World – Pineland Telephone holds 72nd Annual Meeting
The 72nd Annual Meeting of Pineland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. was held on June 13th at the Metter PreK-8 Complex with nearly 250 members in attendance. This year’s entertainment was
provided by Metter native and Nashville recording artist Clayton Hackle, joined by Pineland’s own Casey Yarbrough playing the Cajón.
Spivey Selected as Pineland’s FRS Washington Youth Tour Representative
Nine years ago, Pineland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. joined other rural telecommunications companies across the nation by sponsoring highly recommended students from the Pineland service area to visit Washington, DC during the early summer. Since 1995, …
Pineland Proud (Spring 2024)
Understanding Speed Test Results