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Beginning in 2015, Pineland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. joined other rural telecommunications companies across the nation by sponsoring highly recommended students from the Pineland service area to visit Washington, DC during the early summer. Since its inception in 1995, the Foundation for Rural Services (FRS) Washington Youth Tour offers a chance for students to visit our nation’s capital, learn about rural broadband, share their community’s story with key legislative, regulatory, and government figures, as well as a forum for them to meet and interact with their peers from other rural communities.

The 2022 Youth Tour participant representing Pineland, chosen through a blind critique, is Savannah Reynolds. Savannah, a senior at Swainsboro High School, is the daughter of Brett & Selena Reynolds. Savannah serves as president of the Beta Club, Student Council, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and 4-H, and is a member of the SHS Band of Gold Dance Line, Varsity Tennis team, and the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Board. In addition to her school activities, Savannah volunteers her time to several local organizations, currently works as an Assistant to the Emanuel County Solicitor, an Administrative Assistant for the Emanuel County Board of Education, and as a radio host for the Radio Jones Group. Savannah is the 2022 Swainsboro High School and Emanuel County STAR Student and is involved in a number of other excellent programs throughout her community.

“Savannah has an impressive list of accomplishments, and we are certain she will continue along the same successful tract throughout the remainder of high school year and on to college,” says Dustin Durden, CEO of Pineland. “We are excited that she will be representing Pineland at this year’s FRS Youth Tour and appreciate the work FRS does to educate today’s youth and tomorrow’s leaders.”

The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) was established in 1994 as a non-profit 501(c)(3) by NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association and plays a unique role within the telecommunications industry by supporting rural telecom companies, consumers and policymakers with educational information, products, and programming.

Pineland serves over 1,300 square miles with its traditional Phone and Internet services in all or parts of ten counties in South Georgia. In its 70th year, 100% of Pineland’s Phone and Internet customers receive their services via a dedicated Fiber-to-the-Home network offering Gigabit enabled broadband connections. Pineland’s mission is to offer an outstanding customer experience through the efficient delivery of progressive technology solutions in the markets served. We will achieve this mission by applying our Core Values of Excellence, Integrity, Innovation, and a Servant’s Heart in everything we do.

The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS), in cooperation with NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association and its members, seeks to sustain and enhance the quality of life in America by advancing an understanding of rural issues. FRS is committed to educational achievement in rural communities, recognizing that tomorrow’s economic and civic development depends on the involvement and commitment of today’s youth. Learn more at

NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association is the premier association representing nearly 850 independent, community-based telecommunications companies that are leading innovative change in smart rural communities across America. In an era of transformative technological developments, regulatory challenges, and marketplace competition, NTCA members are advancing efforts to close the digital divide by delivering robust and high-quality services over future-proof networks. Their commitment to building sustainable networks makes rural communities fertile ground for innovation in economic development, e-commerce, health care, agriculture, and education, and it contributes billions of dollars to the U.S. economy each year. Visit us at

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