What is a Public Right of Way?

Fiber’s reliability and extraordinary speeds provide a superior internet experience for streaming entertainment, video calling, gaming, and other online activities. Part of installing and maintaining Pineland’s fiber optic network includes the need to access property. “Public right of way” is a concept that allows internet service providers and other utilities access to public property, and the ability to make impacts to it.

What Is a Public Right of Way?

A public right of way is a piece of land, usually including the surface area and subterranean level, that may be accessed and utilized by certain public entities. Public rights of way are critical to utilities like your local electric co-op, water and sewer systems, and telecommunications providers.

When you purchase your home, any public rights of way are defined, so (hopefully) there are no surprises. A public right of way grants a utility the right to traverse that property, build, and make improvements on it. This can include digging, installing, repairing, and maintaining infrastructure.

For telecommunications providers like Pineland, a public right of way allows us to install our fiber optic network in your neighborhood or surrounding areas.  It does not allow us to connect your home to our network, which is only done with your permission when you sign up for services.

After initial construction, our technicians may need to periodically access the right of way to perform upgrades and repairs. This is necessary to ensure everyone’s connection remains as reliable as possible. Whether or not you choose to purchase our services, we may still access the right of way in front of your home to lay fiber that connects other locations.

What About the Lawn and Landscaping?

One of the most common concerns of homeowners is what happens to the lawn and landscaping when the public right of way is being worked. After our construction is complete, we will do our best to restore the right of way back to its original state.

If you have any questions or concerns about construction at your location, you can reach our customer experience and engineering teams at 800.247.1266.